
Morning Message: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 (DL Day 12)

Good morning, and welcome to your Morning Message for Tuesday, April 7, 2013 (DL Day 12). Today in Study Island, we will be working on Main Idea/Detail, Modal Auxiliary Verbs (special helping verbs), and Support/Developing Topics in Explanatory and Opinion Writing. We are still working on getting EVERYONE logged onto our Google Classrooms to retrieve the lessons there. Please wait until Thursday to share them with me, so that there are not too many files waiting in my in-box. Do them all first, then share, please. You will have a story coming soon plus Reading and Responding questions. Zoom Meetings at 9:30 and 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday are for you to work on your assignments for your Specials Teachers. Have a great day.