Homework Week of 10/28-11/01/19

LESSON 1 A Changing Nation
Use the different sections of this letter to begin conversations with your child about what he or she is learning.
Big Idea: How can we learn from our past?
Your child should Essential Questions: think about ways each reading selection over the next six weeks can answer this question.
This week’s reading selection: A New Life for Mei
Summary: Mei and Hong are Chinese immigrants who arrive in San Francisco in 1867. While Hong works far away
on the Transcontinental Railroad, Mei must support herself as a cook in a city where she is considered an outsider.
Essential Question: How did immigrants help build the country? How would you feel if you had to immigrate to an unfamiliar place?
DISCUSS with your child what it is like to be in a new place.
Focus: The words below appear in this week’s reading selection.
accommodate - to do a favor or service for
alley- a narrow street or passageway
apprehensive - fearful about what may happen
bellowed - cried out in a loud, deep voice
fate - unavoidable lot or fortune
hitch - an unexpected delay or obstacle
link - to join, unite, or connect
proper - adjective suitable, appropriate, or correct for a given purpose
rush - the act of making a sudden, swift movement
strike - to find suddenly or unexpectedly
temperamental - showing moodiness, sensitivity, or irritability
tie - part of a structure that holds together other parts
HELP your child make flashcards to practice reading and defining these words.
Focus: This week your child will spell words with
the /͝/ and /oo/ sounds and words with the
inflectional endings -ing and -ed.
1. took         6. named      11. brook
2. shook      7. hoping      12. pool
3. broom      8. stripped   13. bored
4. stood       9. scoop       14. tried
5. landing  10. amazing   15. timing
1. staring 2. admitted 3. woodwork
HAVE your child practice spelling these words.
Language Arts
Writing: Your child will learn that narrative writing
tells a story and includes characters, setting(s), and
a plot. He or she will then work with the rest of the
class to plan, draft, and revise a realistic story.
Grammar: Your child will also be learning about
abstract nouns (pride, honesty, freedom) this week.
ASK your child to identify the main characters,
setting, and plot events of a favorite book or story