Homework Due September 10, 2018

Monday:Word of the Day:  "A" color, draw, trace, cut and paste the word,a.
Math:  Number Patterns:  Write the missing numbers.  (front & back)
Tuesday:  Word of the Day: "The" color, draw, trace, cut, and paste the word, the.
Math:Caterpillar Counting:  Write the missing numbers.(front & back)
Wednesday: Word of the Day: "and" color, draw, trace, cut, and paste the word "and".
Math: Monster Mash:  write, cut, and glue the matching numbers.
Thursday:  Word of the Day:  "go" color, draw, trace, cut, and paste the word, "go.
Math:  Caterpillar Counting:  Write the missing numbers
Friday:  "had" color, draw, trace, cut, and paste the word, "had".