6th Grade Science (Period 6B)


Google Classroom Link

Here is a link to Google Classroom:
Each homeroom teacher will be sending you log in information for google classroom. Each class your scholar has will have a different class code for each of their teachers. Each teacher will be sending you their class code this week so we are set and ready for next week! :) 
Mrs. Parr and I have been recording videos to quickly show you how google classroom works and how it is set up. We hope you find those videos helpful! 
If you have any questions, please reach out to any of us so we can help you out! :) 

6th Grade Packet Week 2 (March30-April 3)

6th Grade Packet:

Students should complete two lessons per subject in ELA, Math, and Science Monday- Thursday, and one lesson per subject on Friday. Please follow the schedule below. Students can download the attached packet and message their answers to teachers on dojo and/or email. Students should message Ms. Parr their answers for ELA, Mr. O'Neil for Math, and BOTH Mr. Eaton and Mr. Cameron for Science. If students need paper packets, please keep an eye out for a message from our administration team listing times to pick up paper packets in driveline next week.

Our Social Studies teacher, Mr. Cardoza, will post his lessons separately.

Monday- p1-35
Tuesday- p36-61
Wednesday- p62-89
Thursday- p90-111
Friday- p112-127
This packet is the same for all of 6th grade. (ELA might have a few different things for 6C). 
For next week's science packet for Mr. Eaton (March 30-April 3):
1.) Organisms Within an Environment (19-24)
Complete the 7 multiple choice questions. Do NOT complete study island! I will post answer key later and you will just comment on my post Friday April 3rd, email me, or send me a dojo message how many you got correct out of 21.
2.) Biotic & Abiotic Factors in Ecosystems (44-48)
Complete the 7 multiple choice questions. Do NOT complete study island! I will post answer key later and you will just comment on my post Friday April 3rd, email me, or send me a dojo message how many you got correct out of 21
3.) Lab Tools (85-89)
Complete the 7 multiple choice questions. Do NOT complete study island! I will post answer key later and you will just comment on my post Friday April 3rd, email me, or send me a dojo message how many you got correct out of 21.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any point.

Spring Break Homework

5th - None. Enjoy your break! We will resume all content (energy sources) after break!
6th - None. We will start a new unit when we come back. (Plants)!
7th - None. We will start new content when we come back. (Plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, and other geologic forces).

Week 3/2-3/6 Homework

Mr. Eaton's homework for the week:
5th - Study and review scientific method, lab equipment, experimental variables, and data analysis. If students do not finish their word search on Friday, that will be homework as well. 
6th - Review chapter 14 notes on geologic time scale, life history, law of superposition, conditions for a fossil to form, etc. There will be an assessment on Thurs/Fri. 
7th - Review all meteorology notes and mineral/rock notes. There will be a huge assessment the following week. We will have review papers during the week they can also look at as well. 

Week 2/24-2/28 Homework

5th - Review notes. We just took an assessment on planets and moons. There will likely be a mini assessment on stars next week!
6th - Review notes and prepare for clay fossil lab this week! 
7th - Review notes for large assessment coming up in 2 weeks! This assessment will cover Meteorology (METARS, Weather Station Models, Clouds) Geology (Rocks and Minerals). 

Week 2/10-2/14 Homework

5th - Review Notes. Could do some project work at home on a space mission picked/given in class. 
6th - Review Notes. Quiz on Thursday on Earth History. 
7th - Review Notes. Study Island (80%+) goal to achieve. 

Week 2/3 -2/7 Homework

This week:
5th - Review Notes. Make sure to keep your papers with you as we need them for the activity.
6th - Review Notes. 
7th - Study Island (Have till the end of the quarter to complete the study islands posted)! Review notes.

1/27-1/31 HW

Mr. Eaton's Science Class (Earth and Biology)
5th Grade - Study for Quiz on Friday (It is open notes. Some activities this week might turn into homework if we do not finish discussing it). 
6th Grade - No homework due to rewards.
7th Grade - Homework would be to complete mineral ID lab if questions are not completed before class ends. They will be due Monday of next week. 

Week 13-17

Home for each grade level:
5th - Study for test on Friday the 17th
6th - None
7th - Study Island (Physics or the Water Cycle Lesson). Achieve an 80% for full credit. You have till the end of the quarter, but there will be more study island lessons added throughout quarter 3. 
Thank you!!

Week 16-20

This week, there will be no homework other than review notes for midterm exam. Midterms should be 2 days/2 periods long. This gives students time to complete the midterm so they do not have to rush. 
We did two days of review last week and will try to do another this week to help. The exam is all multiple choice.