Homework MARCH 11-15

Course Description

Monday,March 11, 2019
*Sentence building worksheet.
*Practice writing sight word, "boy"/ and sentence worksheet. 
*Half pass the hour worksheet.
*Halves worksheet. 
*Saxon 89B
DUE: Tuesday
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
*Sentence building worksheet.
*Practice writing sight word, "out"/ and sentence worksheet. 
*Count and graph worksheet. 
DUE: Wednesday
Parent's: Please read Decodable #13
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
*Sentence building worksheet
*Missing letters worksheet.
*Halves worksheet.
*Saxon 90B
DUE: Thursday
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Thursday, March 14, 2019
*Sentence building worksheet.
*Read and draw long 0o words worksheet. 
*Practice writng the sight words, "boy, and out" worksheet.
*Halves and fourths worksheet. 
*Saxon 91B
DUE: Friday
 Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Friday, March 15, 2019
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes.