Course Description

Monday, October 29, 2018
EVERY night review mixed up alphabet/sounds 
*Letter Nn worksheet.
*Sight word, to, worksheet.
*Find letter Nn worksheet.
*Trace and write numbers 1-5.
DUE: Tuesday
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
EVERY night review mixed up alphabet /sounds
*Write letter Nn worksheet.
*Write sight word, at, worksheet.
*Write the words that end with -at worksheet.
*Trace and write numbers 1-10.
DUE: Wednesday
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
EVERY night review mixed up alphabet /sounds
*Trace and write letter Ll worksheet.
*Write the sight word, as, worksheet.
*Circle the shape that comes next.
*Trace and write numbers 1-10
DUE: Thursday
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Thursday, November 1 , 2018
EVERY night review mixed up alphabet/sounds 
*Write the letters Nn and Ll worksheet.
*Write the sight word , have, worksheet.
*Complete the sight word, have, worksheet. 
*Write the Doubles numbers addition 1-5. +
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Friday, November 2, 2018
EVERY night review mixed up alphabet/sounds 
*Pre-Decodable book #2
DUE: Monday
 Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes.