Homework SEPTEMBER 10-14

Course Description

Monday, September 10, 2018
EVERY night review letter recognition and sight words.
*Complete worksheet, Find the matching lowercase letter.
*Complete worksheet, Color the oppposite words.
 *Saxon worksheet 11B
Pre-Decodable book #8
DUE: Tuesday
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
EVERY night review letter recognition and sight words.
*Complete worksheet, Lets practice lines.
*Complete worksheet, Pick one number.
*Saxon worksheet 12B
DUE: Wednesday
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
EVERY night review letter recognition and sight words.
*Complete worksheet, Practice Circles in different ways.
*Complete worksheet, Circle the rhyming words.
*Saxon worksheet 13B
DUE: Thursday
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Thursday, September 13, 2018
EVERY night review letter recognition and sight words.
*Complete worksheet, Practice the sight word, The
*Complete worksheet,Color the hand for kindness.
*Please read Pre-decodable #9
*Saxon worksheet 14B
DUE: Friday
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Friday, September 14, 2018
EVERY night review letter recognition and sight words.
 Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes.