Social Studies 6 Assignments

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Textbook Entry (Social Studies Journal) in Google Classroom

Textbook Entry (Social Studies Journal)


Historical Narrative: Early Humans in Google Classroom

Historical Narrative: Early Humans

Before you turn in your assignment, make sure it has the following:
approximately 250+ words
3 pieces of historically accurate evidence
proper grammar and spelling
1 point for picking at least one age from class (Stone, Paleolithic, Ice, Neolithic, Bronze)
1 point if it meets or exceeds word count
1 point for each piece of evidence (3 points total)
1 point for listing the evidence below your passage
1 point for providing citations (Spielvogel #)
1 point for proper grammar
1 point for proper spelling
1 point for using narrative writing style (I, me, we, my, etc.)


Social Studies Journal Entries 1-5 in Google Classroom

Social Studies Journal Entries 1-5

Social Studies Journal Entries 1-4 were due in previous weeks. However, due to some confusion concerning format and due dates, I will accept entries 1-4 up to this Friday for no late penalty.

Social Studies Journal Entry 5 is the new assignment, which is due this Friday by the end of the day.