1A Science

Course Description

The Arizona Science Standards present a vision of what it means to be scientifically literate, and college and career ready. These standards outline what all students need to know, understand, and be able to do by the end of high school and reflect the following shifts for science education:
  • Organize around 13 core ideas and develop learning progressions to coherently and logically build scientific literacy from kindergarten through high school.
  • Connect core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and science and engineering practices, to make sense of the natural world and understand how science and engineering are practiced and experienced.
  • Focus on fewer, broader standards that allow for greater depth, more connections, deeper understanding, and more applications of content.
With these core beliefs in mind, Grade 1A will be focusing a great deal on science. Using cross-curricular links with Math and English as often as possible, we will explore in depth all topics outlined in the Annual Plan from Light and Sound to Plants and Animals, with specific attention put towards lab activities and projects. Your child will have a new-found love for science by the time they complete Grade 1!