Homework MARCH 4-8

Course Description

Monday,March 4, 2019
*Practice writing High frequency words.
*Practice Writing a sentence
*Place value worksheet 
*Saxon 85B
DUE: Tuesday
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
*Practice writing High frequency words.
*Practice Writing a sentence
*Count the tally marks
DUE: Wednesday
Parent's: Please read Decodable #13
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
*Practice writing High frequency words.
*Practice Writing a sentence
*Saxon 86b
DUE: Thursday
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Thursday, March 7, 2019
*Practice writing High frequency words.
*Practice Writing a sentence
*Time to the half hour worksheet
Saxon 87B
DUE: Friday
 Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Friday, March 8, 2019
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes.