Homework OCTOBER 8-12

Course Description

Monday, October 8, 2018
EVERY night review letter recognition/ Sounds and sight words.
*Complete worksheet,Color the Dd's
*Draw what you would do in the rain (Presented to the class)
*Math addition worksheet
DUE: Tuesday
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
EVERY night review letter recognition/Sounds and sight words.
*Complete worksheet, Write the letter Dd.
*Complete worksheet, Math addition.
*Complete worksheet, Practice Ordinal numbers.
 DUE: Wednesday
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
EVERY night review letter recognition/ Sounds and sight words.
*Complete worksheet, Write the letter Pp.
*Complete Worksheet,Count the candy.
*Practice ordinal numbers
*Saxon worksheet 25B
DUE: Thursday
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Thursday, October 11 , 2018
EVERY night review letter recognition/Sounds and sight words.
*Complete worksheet, Write the site word, "of"
*Complete worksheet, Before and after numbers.
*Complete worksheet, about ordinal numbers
Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes. 
Friday, October 12, 2018
EVERY night review letter recognition/Sounds and sight words.
*Saxon worksheet 226B
Pre-decodable # 14
DUE: Monday
 Parent's: Please read to your child daily for 30 minutes.